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Texts to me multiplby Jeannette Fraser on Monday May 16, 2011 at 4:39am

Texts to me multiple times a day telling me what she was doing, what she had learned that day and always ending with "I love you Madre".

Rhiannon had spoke of some new friends she had met at a party a few weeks before she passed hosted by an old acquaintance she met while working at a restaurant. She only saw the acquaintance once in awhile because she seemed extremely needy at times when Rhiannon was busy with her own life and duties. She told me how these new friends complimented her art work and excited her with thoughts of "being famous one day". She said a new girl she met had really thought she was an awesome and kept inviting her over to her place. Rhiannon told me it "wasn't that clean" and the girl told Rhiannon she had a baby so she felt bad she didn't keep it as clean as she couldRhiannon was such a beautiful baby, full of dark hair and rosy red cheeks. She was easily entertained by everything around her and very observant. She was adored by her sister and brothers, one of which was her twin. They constantly showered her with love and affection, a happy toy or a cookie. As she grew she loved exploring the world around her, looking for shells at the beach or rolly pollies in the dirt. Frogs were one of her favorite amphibians even to go as far as to try and save ones life one time by trying to gently incubate it with a pen to help it breathe. Most of the time she was found reading books as she started reading right after walking. She absolutely loved books. Enjoying the artwork that often surrounded books she would try and recreate the images in crayon, pencil or paint. Art would become a large part of her loves. At 7 while watching tv she acknowledged a most incredible singer named Charlotte Church. At that moment, she would start her quest of learning every song Charlotte Church every recorded in all the languages. For years after school some days you could hear her operatic voice coming through the door in her room, no lessons, just a voice. Perfect pitch. At 12 she would debut at a talent show in our rural county and people sat in shock of the power and grace of her voice. Soon she learned she could audition for the Julliard School of Music in New York, but she was too young so she continued in her passion for Irish Step Dancing since age 6 and developed into a champion dancer competing in North America and Canada. She performed with her siblings for Nursing Home residents, festivals and city functions. She continued her love her reading through the Harry Potter Book series and was reading them up until she passed. She was so looking forward to experiencing the opening of Harry Potter World in Orlando but missed it by a few months because of her passing. Her learning never stopped and she continued to excel by watching documentaries on Discovery, History and Science Channel, Dr. G was one of her favorite shows because she was so interested in the workings of the human body. On full moon nights you could find her with her telescope looking at the moon and several seasonal constellations. She loved astronomy. After years of creating her own artwork which included pencil drawings and hand sewn creations she could wear, she was thrilled at college to be able to be in her first formal art class. Very early in her teens her style was always her own. She loved to discover her own hair designs with colors from pink to purple. We enjoyed watching her. She was a walking example of her own creativity. World of Warcraft became her favorite game as she evolved into a geek, a truly unique individual she stepped to her own beat, and was very proud to be different. She wore what she wanted to wear even if it wasn't cool. She stuck up for the underdog even if it made her an outcast. She loved animals and had a parrot Thermopolis for 5 years before giving him to an elderly couple because he needed hours of attention and she was planning to go to college. After that I came home with a puppy, an little Italian Greyhound of which she feel in love with and named him Templeton. Just before entering college she made plans to enter the US Army after she was done with her classes. She bought all her paperwork to them and even went to MEPS for her physical. She was ready. Her sister Genevieve and her were room mates at their apartment for a few years where Rhiannon enjoyed cooking, cleaning, reading and playing World of Warcraft with her boyfriend and her twin brother Damien. They would have "sister day" twice a month where they would go out to eat, shop, chat and laugh. Most of Genevieve's time off was with Rhiannon at their apartment making brownies and just talking about the days events or advice on boyfriends. Rhiannon had been with her boyfriend 2 and half years before she passed. Often Rhiannon would spend time with her older brother Ian as he taught her how to fix her truck or work on his engine in his car. As they got older they formed a geek bond and would discuss topics covering a wide range of world topics. Family celebrations were fun with food and laughter. I remember leaning up against Rhiannon on the couch watching Discovery Channel's performance of "Life" at Ian's housewarming party. Rhiannon and I were planning a trip to see her twin brother up in Virginia in his professional Irish Dance show. There were nights out to dinner or watching the greyhounds race. Lot's of evenings after work Rhiannon and I would go shopping at Walmart together, many times walking hand in hand in the parking lot. My days off were spent with Rhiannon coming over to my house and staying over to spend time playing with Templeton, laughing, talking, making brownies, learning model railroading from my fiance and helping with laundry. have, so Rhiannon cleaned it for her. The girl even started to tell Rhiannon that it would be great if she could move in because she would be a great person to hang with and could help with the baby. The girl had lied to Rhiannon, and the baby was actually the girls very young sister whom she babysat for. Her boyfriend lived there too. Through the girl, Rhiannon met a guy and his brother. The guy who was only known to Rhiannon for about 2 weeks also gave her words of praise and commented on her artwork, Rhiannon told me. Rhiannon said that these new friends were showing her so much attention and highly appreciated all her artwork and told her how intelligent a person she was. It was like Rhiannon had a fan club or something. I thought it was odd. The Thursday before Rhiannon passed, Rhiannon had paid her sister Genevieve her portion of the rent and utilities, Friday they went to lunch and had "sister day", and Saturday that evening Rhiannon went to a party where these new friends were. Rhiannon came home extremely sick the next day on Sunday afternoon and Genevieve got mad because she thought these new friends gave Rhiannon something to make her sick, but Rhiannon wasn't sure. Her and Rhiannon had a fight and Rhiannon left the apartment still very sick. We all started to worry. Sunday evening I pulled up my phone records to track down any new phone numbers that were on Rhiannon's account that I didn't recognize. I started to call the numbers and text: "My daughter went to a party and is very sick, I will call the police and give them your phone numbers because I am suspicious that you gave my daughter something that would make her this sick." I got one text back, then a phone call back. This was from a friend of Rhiannon's acquaintance that introduced her to these new friends. He told me that he knew Rhiannon awhile and she is a great person. He said he had dated the acquaintance awhile ago but was not with her anymore because she was into some bad things. He would try and help if I needed him. On Monday I spoke to Rhiannon, she had just gotten out of school and she said that the new girl wanted her to stay at her house and Rhiannon could help her pay her bills there. The new girl had taken Rhiannon over to a place to apply for food stamps, which I thought was quite odd. Tuesday & Wednesday I spoke to Rhiannon and I told her that she should stay at my house until things settled with her sister. Rhiannon told me that the girl didn't want her to leave and that she should stay and help her with the baby. Wednesday I spoke to Rhiannon and saw her after my shift at work at around 12:20am. She sounded like she was getting a cold and she told me that she bought a whole bunch of cleaning supplies to help the girl get the house spotless for the health of the baby but it had been so dusty she said she thought she breathed too much dust in. Rhiannon told me that someone stole money of hers out of her wallet at the party and felt quite upset about that, but she still had some, but still was very mad about having money stolen from her. I gave her some money for food and gas so she could get to school until this thing with her sister blew over. We stayed and chatted for over an hour and I got her some soup and tea. Rhiannon said she was going to a party at the new guy and his brother's house shortly. I asked Rhiannon "tell me about these new people again" She said, "Mom, the guy and his brother live together with their grandfather. The guy loves my artwork and tells me I'm going to be world famous one day, they're ok mom." During the time Rhiannon and I were together the new girl was texting Rhiannon frantically for at least 20 minutes. Texts said "Where are you? Are you close? When are you coming? My boyfriend threw me out and I have no where to go, I don't feel safe here." Rhiannon told me what some of the texts were. I asked Rhiannon, "If her boyfriend threw her out, where will you both stay?" She said," Don't worry mom we can stay at the new guys house, his grandfather lives there, it's safe". I said to Rhiannon, "Come home with me tonight, it's my day off tomorrow and I can make you soup." Rhiannon said, " I would mom but she needs me, she's stranded". Then Rhiannon got a text. I saw her look at her phone. She said, "What the f*uck?" I asked her what it said. I saw her text back, "Who is this"? Rhiannon hugged me and said, "I love you Madre" and she left. It was almost 1:30am. She was fine. She was alert and coherent. Ten hours later Rhiannon was found dead. Later, after Rhiannon was found dead Genevieve pulled up her messages. The message of whom she didn't recognize the number said, "This is God, if you are reading this, you have missed the rapture" Big G." Which to me implies, if you are reading this, you are not dead yet. This message was tracked to the phone of the new girls boyfriend by Rhiannon's twin brother Damien after he came home for Rhiannon's funeral. We think he was mad that his girlfriend was messing around on him with the new guy and his brother, and Rhiannon was going to help his stranded girlfriend that night. And after that message, ten hours later, Rhiannon was found dead. Her new friends let her lay for over 9 hours overdosing until she was dead. Then the new guy called 911. She died of Oxycodone and Alprazolam toxicity. The new guy had an extensive arrest record for drugs going back to 2004 and continued to purchase them after her death, and even getting arrested again for drugs after her death. The house where Rhiannon was found dead, owned by the grandfather, had an extremely long police call record going back years for another death, multiple missing persons, narcotics, weapons, stolen vehicles, assault, battery. The new guy had prescriptions for Oxycodone and Alprazolam as our data base shows. No one has ever been arrested in the death of Rhiannon. Rhiannon had no history of drug abuse or addiction, doctor shopping or prescriptions. She's never been missing in action for days, weeks or months. This completely shocked us. It was not in her character to allow herself to be subjected to a complete over throw of inhumanity.
Because of these new friends, Rhiannon has missed opportunities to graduate college, enter the Army or share another sister day with her sister ever again. She will never have the chance to fix her truck or help her brother Ian with his engine or paint models and create scenery on the model railroad layout. She will never have the chance to be the great mother she always saw herself being and I will never be a grandmother to her babies or ever go shopping and laughing with her again, I never get a chance to see her Irish Dance with her twin brother for me again. I will never get a chance to hear her sing opera or see her new artistic creations ever again, Her little dog Templeton misses her. We all miss her. Our family is broken without her smiles and laughter, her kind gentle helping heart, the way she always carried bags in for me from Walmart since I can remember, so I wouldn't "hurt my back." I will never hear her and her twin brother on World of Warcraft raiding and leveling up or her giving him the gold he ran out of again, I will never see her come walking up the hall at my job showing me a painting with one hand and surprising me with dinner with the other hand again, I will never get another text message, "I love you Madre" nor hear her light and almost musical way she said it to me so many times. Ian continues to excel in college engineering. Her sister Genevieve is part of the local prescription task force and has her business administration degree and her twin brother Damien has entered the US Army in her honor.

" I love you Madre".

by Jeannette Fraser on Monday May 16, 2011 at 4:39am




Spending time at the volusia county train shows

with her stepdad on weekends, she was fascinated with model railroading,

both Rhiannon and Damien would go to the shows with him.

July 23-24 2009

Oct 31-2013

Was one of Rhiannons Favorite Daysoct


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